Museum of the Future

Prime Minister’s Office, UAE / Tellart

Prototyping tomorrow’s cities


The second in a series of exhibitions for the annual World Government Summit in Dubai, "Museum of the Future" presents the UAE's vision for empathic, proactive government services set in a highly urbanized future. Polished scenography, custom architecture, scents and flavors immersed visitors in a cityscape permeated by intelligent, autonomous, pervasive technologies. This project was designed to spark meaningful debate among global leaders attending the summit, and has directly inspired numerous government initiatives in the UAE.

This immersive exhibition addressed a range of meaningful topics for the UAE, including: smart mobility; personal microclimates; gamifying health to address obesity; luxury healthcare services; learning labs and smart infrastructure.

Working for Tellart as Creative Technology Lead, I helped support an overall concept and design of the exhibition and then developed custom technology to bring those designs to life, through interactive and immersive installations. Together, with our partners, we created a truly immersive experience that transported visitors to the year 2025.

“Representing a significant, design-led approach to policy and innovation, the museum uses design, prototypes and foresight to create real examples of change by engaging citizens and governments in a new way to tackle tomorrow’s critical issues.”
— Alexander Porter, co-founder of Scatter, in WAM, Emirates News Agency

Smart Mobility

In this exhibit we portrayed a scene where the government has set up a public service lab where new services can be prototyped with the help of citizens. There are three autonomous vehicles on display that provide opportunities for useful services. This allows people to make the most of their time while using transportation.


The "Personal Cloud" system uses sensors to detect the individual's body heat and provide cool air accordingly, transforming the hot Dubai street into a comfortable environment.

Gamified Health

The game Fitzania encourages kids to exercise at the mall while receiving a physical checkup. Using gaze-tracking and a weighted sphere with advanced sensors, the game creates an immersive 3D environment with multiple projection surfaces. After completing the game, kids receive data-driven feedback about their health.

Personalized Medicine

A place where visitors were welcomed into a luxurious pharmaceutical spa. In this relaxing garden environment, pharmacists offered personalized treatments in the form of misted drinks and scents.

Immersive Learning

Learning labs proposed an innovative immersive classroom where citizens of all ages could enjoy self-directed learning. In this lesson, students explore a Mars settlement projected in a massive, panoramic dome.

Smart Infrastructure

The the city of the future is built and repaired by teams of machines working alongside human technicians. This exhibit showcases how the smart city is equipped with the latest technology to make life easier for its inhabitants.

The second Museum of the Future exhibition built on the previous year’s success and expanded the vision dramatically, further paving the way towards today’s permanent Museum of the Future  in Dubai, UAE.  

During the course of this project I was privileged to lead creative technology with Tellart, who directed the project from start to finish. During this time we collaborated with an international team of partners, including: Scatter, SOFTlab, Bompas & Parr, Octo, Carlo Ratti Associati, Idee und Klang, and Future Cities Catapult; PublicisLive, Neumann & Müller and Projex UAE.