Rain & Bow

A sculpture to contemplate the passing of time

linear motor, polyvinyl chloride molding, custom circuitry, code, graphics, and sound

Rain and Bow is an abstract kinetic sculpture that blends digital projection with the movement of a physical bow. The artwork seeks to harmonize virtual and physical forms while providing a visual metaphor for the passing of time. Audiences are invited to take pause and contemplate a poetry of motion, as slow undulations of the bow collect and release raindrops falling in concert with ambient and evolving sounds.

"Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.”

~Albert Einstein

Is time an illusion? Some physicists have described time as psychologically real, but fundamentally unreal. Einstein described time and space as mental modes rather than true conditions. Is time just a mental construct for understanding change? For me, creating poetic, motion-based sculptures is a way to explore the elusive principles of thought, and consider the deeper implications of our own mental models, and the ways in which we perceive reality.